December 18th - Devil's Pool is Really Cool written up on

So...this morning I awoke to a text message from Andrew saying that our little blog had been written up on

This happened thanks to Andrew Gary Baker's astute brother Jude who apparently reads Philebrity and saw that they were looking for submissions to their "Places we can't understand" segment.

We are quite honored to have been written up, however, they simply call us "two buds," which kind of makes us feel a little gay about the whole thing to be perfectly frank. So...we need more people to come to Devil's Pool and make it not just something for "two buds."

Now don't get me wrong...this in no way should detract from the amazing courage and commitment of the four young ladies who have already joined us in our Devil's Pool Winter Wonderland. Nicole, Jenny, Prather Ann, and Becca, we salute you, and our new found Philebrity status is also your Philebrity status.

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